Thursday, 27 June 2024

November 11: Our Annual Remembrance Day Program: POSTPONED due to unforseen circumstances

 Support for the anti-racism movement, opposing the promotion of the superiority of one race over another, should be a no-brainer for physicians and the organizations that represent them. Sadly, our profession has had a history of supporting racism, as manifested in support for the eugenics movement by many of the thought leaders of the day, culminating with the tragedy of of the Holocaust, driven by the ideology of Nazi physicans.

As part of our collective responsibility for the past, perhaps we, as physicians, should be at the forefront of creating a healthier future, by opposing the underlying premise of racism, that is, that races even exist.

Our guests for the evening have recently penned the following article for your consideration on that topic.

Please join us as Dr. David Livingstone Smith and his life partner, Dr. Subrena E. Smith, lead us  on a thought provoking journey on the concept of race within the medical context.

Related reading: STAT investigation on Embedded Bias

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