Thursday, 26 January 2023

March 20: The Return of our Annual Festival of Medical Storytelling

The Doctors’ Lounge  Festival of Medical Storytelling returns March 20.

It is an evening dedicated to sharing stories, poems, songs and artwork about your experiences as a physician within the health-care system, whether as a provider or as a recipient of medical care.

Presenters are asked to keep their contributions to less than 5 minutes (we welcome creative efforts in pieces of one minute or less. In the past, some of these shorter presentations have been quite moving. It is amazing what can be conveyed in a few words! ).

Even if you are not prepared to be a presenter, feedback from audience members will hopefully make this a fully interactive experience. Dr. Rex Kay of Ars Medica: A Journal of Medicine, The Arts and Humanities will be on hand to give insightful feedback on the creative efforts presented. Ars Medica is an award-winning Toronto-based literary journal which explores illness, healing, perceptions of the body, and encounters with health-care.

To kick off the evening, we will be hearing from our President, Dr. Rose Zacharias, who will be sharing her love for medical narrative based on her own personal experiences as well as the stories shared with her by colleagues as President of the OMA. Dr. Zacharias is a certificant of the Harvard Media and Medicine Program.

Let’s celebrate World Storytelling Day as was our tradition prior to the pandemic (well, almost: this event will take place virtually, but it opens up the possibility of hearing from our colleagues who will be able to participate from outside of Toronto).

Time to let the creative juices flow just in time for spring.

Interested in more training in narrative medicine? See:

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