Sunday, 20 February 2022

MAY 26: An Evening with Dr. Jason Fung

 ShapeThe spectrum of medical treatment is vast. 

At one end are practices that we should adopt, but rigidly resist. This is known as the Semmelweis Reflex. 

At the other end of the spectrum are practices from which we should rigidly desist, but don’t. This has been called the Cifu Reflex (1,2). 

The latter is more likely to occur when we don’t have an understanding of the basis for the condition that is being treated. Cancer is such a mystery, and medical reversals both in terms of theory and treatments characterize the history of medical practice in oncology.

Sometimes an outsider can address mysteries by attempting to solve the puzzles of the unknown through fresh eyes. You are invited to look at cancer with fresh eyes.

Dr. Jason Fung, author of The Cancer Code, will guide us through insights gained about the very nature of our cells in the writing of his latest book.

Please join your colleagues in the collegial environment of the Doctors’ Lounge as we participate in one of our favourite activities: paradigm shifting. 

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