Sunday, 24 January 2021

February 23, 2021: An Evening with Drs. Vinita Dubey, Justin Presseau and Kim Corace

 “Public health moves at the speed of trust” -Rishi Manchanda


If there is one word that will characterize 2021, trust might be it.

2020 was a year where trust in government, scientific expertise and public health advice have all to one degree or another faced challenges.

Physicians in the trenches have had to, and continue to, struggle with the role of clinician, juggling known knowns with unknown knowns and unknown unknowns.

You might feel that you need some additional guidance yourself as you try to balance the art with the science of medicine, while navigating the uncharted territories of COVID-19.

How to proceed, as the challenges of clinical care and opportunities provided by the miracles of immunization converge?

 You are invited to the first Doctors’ Lounge event of 2021 to explore those challenges, and discuss possible strategies and solutions.

Our guides will be:

Dr. Vinita Dubey, Associate Medical Officer for the City of Toronto and an expert in vaccine hesitancy.

Dr. Justin Presseau, Scientist (Ottawa Hospital Research Institute), Associate Professor (School of Epidemiology and Public Health, and School of Psychology, uOttawa), Chair, Health Psychology & Behavioural Medicine Section, Canadian Psychological Association.

Dr. Kim Corace, Vice President of Innovation and Transformation at The Royal Ottawa Health Care Group and President, Canadian Psychological Association

 Please join us in the virtual Doctors’ Lounge as we explore the recipe for ending the toll of the pandemic.

Further resources:



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