Saturday, 22 August 2020

October 14: An Evening with Dr. Patricia Lakin-Thomas

November’s darkness looms, and with it, an annual ritual: the changing of the clock.

Some rituals die a natural death.

Others need the assistance of the enlightened.

The position of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology is that, based on current knowledge of chronobiology, permanent Standard Time is a wiser and healthier choice than our present situation.

This position was also recently endorsed by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Should the OMA support this position?

You are cordially invited to consider that question

Presenting the arguments in favour of this premise on behalf of the CSC will be Dr. Patricia Lakin- Thomas , Principal Investigator at York University’s Clocklab .

The rhythms of  life demand respect, especially in the COVID-19 era.

The cost of disregarding basic biology can be measured in our health.

Please join us for a lively discussion.

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