Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Tuesday January 21: An Evening with Drs. Johane Allard & Susy Hota

Thank you to Drs Johane Allard  and Susy Hota of the University of Toronto Microbiota Therapeutics Outcomes Program (MTOP) for kicking off our 16th year in the Doctors' Lounge with an elucidating overview of local Fecal Microbial Transplant (FMT) research.
FMT research can only move forward with the volunteer work of donors and subjects. Please consider recruiting your patients for either cause.
A physician, enema in hand, quotes Hippocrates on the importance of the stomach in the 'administration' of the body; a green-hued patient cowers behind. Colour photomechanical reproduction of a lithograph by D.T. de Losques, 1910.

A sampling of further reading to reflect on you” your microbiome :

We know where babies come from, but where does their microbiome come from?

What is the feces for FMTs made of?

A word on probiotics , some industry sponsored evidence- based recommendations
A provocative article on how modern morbidity may be microbiome based and transmissible

Some Canadian content on cancer & the microbiome and some concerns about FMT

An example of interconnection: the gut & CKD

Auto-brewery syndrome: rare but interesting

Why can you buy bacteria at the health food store, but you can’t buy worms? Some interesting Canadian involvement in a theory that has led to an underground movement

Canadian insights on antibiotics and the brain.
A buzzword for the future: psychobiotics !
FMT for mood: preliminary evidence and a good review

BIG (brain/immmune/gut) ideas : mood and brain health

The microbiome & the immune system: the role of antibiotics

An interestin perspective on an ounce of prevention:

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