Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of the year to reflect on what and how we eat.
What are the best food choices for a healthy life?
What should we be recommending to our patients, especially those struggling with illnesses such as cancer?
Please join us for an interactive discussion on plant-based medicine (PBM) with oncologist Dr. Zahra Kassam and Michelle Fedele RD, co- founders and co-directors of Plant-Based Canada.
We will spend the first hour looking at the evidence for reducing the burden of cancer with plant-based nutrition and, in the second hour, we will open it up to Q&A on anything related to PBM.
Dr. Kassam is the co-editor of the recently published (September 2022) academic text Plant Based Nutrition In Clinical Practice (you can read the first chapter here), as well as co-author of Eating Plant-Based, written with her sister Dr Shireen Kassam for a general audience.
Please join us for what may turn out to be a transformative evening for you and your patients.
PS: Recent addition to resources: a Facebook group: Plant-based doctors of Canada