Sunday, 26 August 2018

Monday December 10: An Evening with Dr. Oshin Vartanian

Thank you to Dr.Oshin Vartanian for his presentation on the cognitive and neural bases of creativity.

Monday November 12: An Evening With Dr. Ralph Lewis

Thank you to Dr. Ralph Lewis, author of Finding Purpose in a Godless World – Why We Care Even If The Universe Doesn’t  for a thought provoking exploration on the nature of the universe. You can read more of his  work on his blogs for Sunnybrook and Psychology Today

OCTOBER 4: An Evening with Dr. Eileen de Villa

Thank you to Toronto's Medical Officer of Heath, Dr. Eileen de Villa, for an overview of her job of protecting the health of her 2.9 million patients.
See :


Tuesday, 15 May 2018

MONDAY JUNE 11: An Evening with Dr. Marni Brooks

Thank you to Dr. Marni Brooks for an enlightening discussion on the differences between THC and CBD and their potential clinical applications.
Keep your eyes open for the launch of the OMA Medical Interest Group on Cannabis.

Interesting link on CBD-drug interactions : .

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Thursday May 17: An Evening with Dr. Eduord Bercovici


Thank you to Dr. Eduard Bercovici of the adult epilepsy diet clinic at the Krembil Neuroscience Centre at UHN for helping us demystify some aspects of the ketogenic diet.

Further resources:  , 

Monday, 1 January 2018



 Thank you to U of T’s Music & Health Research Collaboratory for suggesting our guest speakers for an evening exploring the therapeutic properties of singing together:
Frank A. Russo, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Hear the World Research Chair in Music and Emotional Speech, Ryerson University; Affiliate Scientist, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute.

Corene P. Hurt-Thaut, Ph.D., MT-BC, Program Director, The Academy for Neurologic Music Therapy;
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Music, University of Toronto; Associate Professor, ArtEZ School of Music-ArtEZ Conservatorium.

Sina Fallah,  Founder and Director of Centre for Music Education & Cognition at Ryerson University; Music Education Program Coordinator at SMART Lab; Music Director for the 50+ program at Ryerson University’s Chang School of Continuing Education; Music Director for the Alzheimer Society of Toronto .

A touching video of U of T med students in choral performance of Mary Elizabeth Frye's "Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep at the annual memorial service to honour cadaver donors"

Interesting short video on the power of choral singing to synchronize biological rhythms :
(which includes a link to the original scientific article), as well as some interesting previous research along the same lines:

A recent article for your consideration as well:

A favourite video on the power of synchronization/resonance (great metaphor for brain function,the chaos that initially can come with creating anything new, etc. ):