Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The Narrative Imperative: Thursday March 31

Thank you to Dr. Rex Kay for leading us through another successful Doctors’ Lounge Festival of Medical Storytelling.
Dr. Kay is an editor of Ars Medica: A Journal of Medicine, The Arts and Humanities ( Ars Medica is an award-winning Toronto-based literary journal which explores illness, healing, perceptions of the body, and encounters with healthcare.


An Evening With Dr. Molly Shoichet: THURSDAY FEBRUARY 25

Thank you to Dr. Molly Shoichet for her inspiring thoughts and insights presented at our quadrennial celebration of Leap Day, building on the wisdom of Maimonides' guidance for our profession, as taught to us by our first Leap Day speaker, Dr. Alex Jadad:
Image result for teach your tongue maimonides